Sunday January 25, 2009

Isn't this a beautiful image of Esther. Laurie brought this Thursday night and I don't think everyone had a chance to see it. It was painted around 1565 by Luca Cambiaso.

By now hopefully you have read through the entire book and started identifying Key Words.

Don't forget to make your lists as that will really help you during our class time next Thursday. Not to mention the more you see the text, write the text and discuss, the more likely you are to remember it! And we could all use a little help with our memories.


Julie said...

This is a lovely artist's rendering of Esther and her king ... I love that Cambiaso even included the scepter that we've read so much about in the book of Esther. We depend so much on artwork such as this to form our own perception of how people looked in the time before photography existed ... Esther must have been a beautiful young woman. As I was thinking about contrasts in the book of Esther, I found it interesting that despite the fact that Xerxes was attracted to Esther more than any other woman -- she won his favor and approval -- he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen -- he threw a royal banquet and proclaimed a holiday for her -- despite all this, he STILL added yet MORE virgins to his harem! She had beauty, charm and power, but it was a male-dominated society ... just look at the way she is kneeling before him in this painting.

Anonymous said...

What a crazy cold day yet yesterday we went in our ole ugly cruddy but fun looking Lonestar boat like a late 50's model I loved it.

Beautiful warm lite breeze weather, and look at it today man, within hours in Austin you can hit several seasons all at once.
Wow, enjoying Esther, learning alot, got my spiral all organized with tabs and even some personal notes of things that have
brought my emotions out, like anger. Just how the King thought himself to be so perfect yet creating strife between husbands
and wives with disrepect amongst themselves man hard to believe. But I guess you see the same thing today if we were to sit in anyones home and watch a husband and wife pretty sad. We sabotage our own lives and relationships dont we?

Love ya,

I Peter 2:2,3 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.

Have a super Jesus filled weekend!!